
Merry Christmas


As 2023 draws to a close, it allows us a moment to pause for reflection. This has been a year when we have had to overcome many challenges and jump many hurdles but, as the saying goes, What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger!

After eighteen months of hard work, we moved into our new offices, bought with our own SSAS (case study to follow soon) and much effort has been put into the product development side of our business so watch this space.

Looking forward to the year ahead, there will be a new form of HMRC Pension Scheme Return where much more information will need to be submitted. We are expecting this to trigger more HMRC audits so it will be important to ensure SSASs are operated correctly to avoid rule breaches. In addition, the migration of pension schemes to the new HMRC online service needs to be completed. We have been writing to a number of customers to request additional information for us to do this and will continue to do so. Your cooperation with this process is appreciated.

We are also hearing rumours from the DWP and Pensions Regulator that there may be a return to compulsory professional trustees for SSASs, to assist with their regulatory compliance. As we have always acted as professional trustee for all our schemes, this is of no concern to us.

As ever we are extremely grateful for your custom and support and we would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and here’s to 2024!