

SSAS stands for “Small Self-Administered Scheme”. These are company pension schemes for company directors and senior employees. They are the most flexible type of pension scheme available in the UK for accumulating and drawing retirement benefits. They offer a very broad range of investment types which are not available from conventional pension schemes or even SIPPs. They also allow flexible options for drawing retirement benefits and for beneficiaries to draw benefits from remaining funds after the death of a member. 

Who is a SSAS for?

We call SSAS the entrepreneur’s pension because of how the pension scheme can operate alongside the sponsoring company to assist its operation and development while providing valuable tax benefits.

A SSAS is a sophisticated, long term retirement savings vehicle for company directors. It has a lot of flexibility but with flexibility comes complexity.

It is therefore designed for directors and senior employees who have a level of wealth and financial sophistication to utilise the SSAS to help them achieve their financial goals whilst understanding the risks involved. They are particularly useful for:

  • Groups of directors with a common investment strategy who want to pool their resources, such as to purchase company premises
  • Businesses run by couples
  • Family companies to create a family pension scheme for passing wealth down the generations
  • Directors wishing to use the investment options not available elsewhere towards their investment strategy such as loans to their business or to third parties, unquoted shares, property syndicates, hedge funds and P2P lending platforms.

To be confident our fees provide you with fair value, we feel that a minimum starting fund within the first twelve months of establishing a SSAS should be approximately £150,000.


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Why would I Consider a SSAS?

A SSAS benefits from all the usual tax advantages available to pension schemes in the UK. Tax can be saved on payments-in, on investments made and on withdrawals.

SSASs are regulated by The Pensions Regulator and are registered with His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

It is important to remember that making investments comes with risks and you need to be comfortable with the risks you are taking.

A SSAS is defined by HM Revenue & Customs as a “member-directed” pension scheme. This enables the members to manage the investment decisions taking responsibility for the type of investments made, when to buy, when to sell and monitoring their ongoing performance, often utilising the services of an Independent Financial Adviser.

We always suggest that you obtain financial advice from a regulated financial adviser before deciding what to do with your retirement arrangements.


  • Bank deposits
  • Investment fund platforms
  • Discretionary Fund Managers
  • Stockbroker accounts
  • Investment plans
  • Insurance company funds
  • National Savings & Investments
  • Government gilts
  • Bonds
  • Mini bonds and loan notes
  • P2P platforms
  • Hedge funds
  • Unregulated funds
  • Property syndicates and EPUTS
  • Gold bullion
  • Commercial property in the UK and overseas
  • Loans to sponsoring companies
  • Loans to third parties
  • Unquoted shares
  • Borrowing


  • Tax-free Pension Commencement Lump Sum (PCLS)
  • Flexi-Access Drawdown
  • Capped Drawdown
  • Uncrystallised Fund Pension Lump Sum
  • Annuity purchase
  • Family pension scheme (up to 11 members plus beneficiaries)
  • Flexible death benefit options